Thursday, September 14, 2017

House Passes Amendment to Restrict Asset Forfeiture

The House of Representatives on Tuesday Approved an Amendment to the Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act that will Roll Back Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s Expansion of Asset Forfeiture.

Amendment No. 126 was Sponsored by a Bipartisan Group of Nine Members, led by Rep. Justin Amash (R, MI-3rd District). He was joined by Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna of (D, CA-17th District), Washington State’s Pramila Jayapal (D, WA-7th District), and Hawaii’s Tulsi Gabbard (D, HI-2nd District).

Civil Asset Forfeiture is a Practice in which Law Enforcement can take Assets from a Person who is Suspected of a Crime, even without a Charge or Conviction. Sessions revived the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program, which Allowed State and Local Police Agencies to take Assets and then give them to the Federal Government, which would in turn give a Chunk back to Local Police. This served as a way for these Local Agencies to Skirt past State Laws designed to Limit Asset Forfeiture.

The Amendment would Roll back Sessions’s Elimination of the Obama-era Reforms.

Amash, the Prime Mover of the Amendment, spoke forcefully in Favor of the Obama-era Rules on the House Floor and the need to bring them Back. “Unfortunately these restrictions were revoked in June of this year. My amendment would restore them by prohibiting the use of funds to do adoptive forfeitures that were banned under the 2015 rules,” he explained.

Virginia Democratic Rep. Don Beyer (D, VA-8th District), reached across the Aisle to voice support for Amash’s effort. “Civil asset forfeiture without limits presents one of the strongest threats to our civil, property, and constitutional rights,” he said on the Floor. “It creates a perverse incentive to seek profits over justice.”

The Amendment Passed with a Voice Vote, meaning it had Overwhelming Support.

Republican Reps. Mark Sanford (R, SC-1st District), Raúl Labrador (R, ID-1st District), Dana Rohrabacher (R, CA-48th District), along with Democrat Earl Blumenauer (D, OR-3rd District).

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