Wednesday, July 19, 2017

SCOTUS Will Hear WI Partisan Gerrymandering Case on October 3rd

Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this post.

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will hear Gill v Whitford, 16-1161, on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017.

This is the Case in which the Lower 3-Judge U.S. District Court Invalidated Wisconsin’s Legislative District Boundaries as an Unconstitutional Partisan Gerrymander.

Gill v. Whitford is a Supreme Court of the United States Court Case regarding whether a Voter Redistricting Plan created in 2011 for the State of Wisconsin used Partisan Gerrymandering.

The Supreme Court case comes from an Appeal made by the State of Wisconsin, challenging the Decision of the District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin's Ruling that the 2011 Redistricting Plan was Unconstitutional.

In 2011, Republican Legislators in Wisconsin Redrew the State Assembly Districts based on the latest 2010 Census Data. The 2011 Mapmakers developed a Model for evaluating Voter Partisan Preferences in Aggregate, and drew up spreadsheets identifying the likely Winner in various proposed Districts labelling potential Maps with “Assertive” or “Aggressive,” indicating how likely that Map was to Elect Republicans. They also Collaborated with a Political Science Professor that said of the Final Maps, "that Republicans would maintain a majority under any likely voting scenario". Under the “Final Map,” Mapmakers determined that “Republicans could expect to win 59 Assembly seats, with 38 safe Republican seats, 14 leaning Republican, 10 swing, 4 leaning Democratic, and 33 safe Democratic seats.”

The New Re-Redistricting Map was approved by the State as Act 43, in August 2011. Reflecting this, in the 2012 Elections, the Republicans gained 60% of the Seats in the State Assembly, despite receiving only 49% of the Statewide Vote in 2012.

The District Court Ordered the State of Wisconsin to Redraw their Districts by November 1st, 2017 as Remedy for the Case, using Proposals brought by the Plaintiffs to Guide their Decisions.

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