Monday, July 24, 2017

NY Expands Access to Voter Registration Forms

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has ordered State Agencies to make Voter Registration Forms available to the Public and offer Assistance in Filling them out in an effort to Boost Participation in Elections.

An Executive Order the Governor signed Monday requires Agencies to Mail or provide Electronic Voter Registration Forms to any Member of the Public whose Contact Information is on File. Previously, only the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and certain Social Service Agencies provided Voter Registration Forms.

The Governor also Created a State Agency Voter Registration Task Force to oversee Administration of the Program, in Consultation with the State Board of Elections. Cuomo's Counsel, his Director of State Operations and undisclosed Agency Heads will sit on the Task Force. "It is our responsibility to make it as easy as possible for people to vote because that's what democracy looks like," Cuomo said in a Statement. "As the federal government and foreign powers threaten the sanctity of America's democracy, I am exercising my executive power to expand the availability and opportunity for every New Yorker to register to vote."

The Governor also Ordered other Action to Expand Access to the Ballot. He Directed SUNY (State Public University System) and CUNY (New York City Public University System) to Review Campus Voter Registration Practices in order to ensure that Necessary Steps are being taken to Increase Voter Registration Rates among Young Adults. Cuomo's Office said State Law Requires SUNY and CUNY Campuses provide Students with Voter Registration Forms at the Beginning of each School Year and in January of each Presidential Election year. 

Cuomo also has Directed DMV to Send Information on the Agency's Online Voter Registration Program in Email Communications sent to Customers who need to Renew their Licenses, ID Cards and Vehicle or other Registrations.

Voter Turnout in the Empire State generally is near the Lowest in the Nation. One Pro-Voter Participation Organization pegged New York's Turnout in last year's Presidential Election at 41st in the Country. The same Group, NONPROFIT Vote, found New York turnout was 49th in the Nation in 2014.

Roughly 68% of all Registered Voters Statewide Cast Ballots in the 2016 Presidential Election. NONPROFIT Vote's calculation, which is based on the Total Voting-Eligible Population, showed 57% of the Eligible Voters cast Ballots last year.

The League of Women Voters was critical of Cuomo's steps on Monday, saying that his Executive Order "will do little to address the issues New York State voters face on Election Day." "Voter purges, strict registration and party change deadlines, and long lines at the polls cannot be fixed with enhanced voter registration," LWV Program and Policy Director Jennifer Wilson said in a Statement. "Studies show that voter registration is not a major issue in New York state. In 2016, voter registration in New York state reached a record high. Unfortunately, many of these newly enrolled voters faced barriers at the voting booths that deterred them from casting their ballot." Wilson called for an Executive Order that would allow for Early Voting, changed Registration Deadlines or Electronic Poll Books.

Cuomo proposed Early Voting, Automatic Voter Registration through State Agencies, and Same-Day Registration in January. That Legislative efforts Fell Flat during the Last Session in 2017.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
Digg! StumbleUpon

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