Wednesday, July 12, 2017

House Appropriation Committee Adds Provision to Sink Clean Water Rule

The House Appropriation Committee snuck a Provision into the Appropriation Bill to give the Trump Administration Carte Blanche to Withdraw the Popular Clean Water Rule behind Closed Doors. This Extreme Provision would give a green light to Polluters to Dump their Filth into the Drinking Water of 117 Million Americans, and there wouldn’t be anything we could do about it.

This is far from hopeless, but we must act quickly. We know that the Polluters want this Special Exemption because if the Public is allowed to have a Voice, we’ll win.

That’s why we need to mobilizing Millions to take on the House Leadership over the Clean Water Rule.

We are urging Congress to Pass a Clean Spending Bill and the Trump Administration cannot simply Dump the Clean Water Rule without Input from the Public.

CLICK HERE for more information about The League of Conservation Voters (LCV).

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