Walter Shaub, the Leader of the Federal Government’s Ethics Office who previously Criticized President Trump over the President's Business Interests, submitted his Resignation on Thursday. He will leave Office nearly Six Months before the end of his Term. Shaub will officially step down from the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) on July 19th, according to a Letter to Trump that Shaub posted on his Twitter account.
The Letter was a veiled shot at the Trump Administration, which has routinely Clashed with the Small Independent Agency over the appearances of Conflicts of Interest. “The great privilege and honor of my career has been to lead OGE’s staff and the community of ethics officials in the federal executive branch,” Shaub wrote. “They are committed to protecting the principle that public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principals above private gain.” “I am grateful for the efforts of this dedicated and patriotic assembly of public servants, and I am proud to have served with them,” the Letter closes.
Schaub has served as OGE Director under both Republican and Democratic Presidents, starting his Tenure during the George W. Bush Administration. His Term was set to End in January 2018.
Shaub will go to the Campaign Legal Center, a Nonprofit focused on Political and Election Law, to Head up its Ethics Practice. “In working with the current administration, it has become clear to me that we need improvements to the existing ethics program. I look forward to working toward that aim at Campaign Legal Center, as well as working on ethics reforms at all levels of government,” Shaub said in a Statement released by the Center on Thursday.
The Campaign Legal Center is Lead by Trevor Potter, a former Republican Chairman of the Federal Election Commission. “It’s imperative that we sustain a culture of high ethical standards in our government,” Potter said in a Statement. “Walt, in serving the American public at the OGE under three presidents, has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and integrity. All of us at CLC are thrilled to have him join us in our continuing work to protect and improve our democracy.”

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