Friday, June 9, 2017

Trump's Social Media Director Hit for Hatch Act Violation

President Trump's social Media Director Dan Scavino Violated the Law when he called on Trump's Allies to oust a Republican Congressman from Office in April, according to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC).

The Agency found that Scavino breached a Provision of the Hatch Act, which Prohibits Federal Employees engaging in some forms of Political Activity while Acting in their Official Capacity.
"Accordingly, we issued Mr. Scavino a warning letter," wrote Ana Galindo-Marrone, Chief of OSC's Hatch Act Unit. "In addition, we note that Mr. Scavino was recently counseled about the Hatch Act by the Office of the White House Counsel."

The OFC is an Independent Federal Investigative and Prosecutorial Agency who's Mission is to Safeguard the Merit System by Protecting Federal Employees and Applicants from Prohibited Practices.

Galindo-Marrone noted that Scavino appears not to have Committed any Hatch Act Violations since he was admonished, and he was warned that any future Breaches would be considered "willful and knowing violation of the law" and could result in Harsher Punishment.

Scavino tweeted at Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash on April 1st, days after Trump failed to persuade Republicans to support an early version of his preferred Health Care Legislation. Amash, a Member of the Conservative House Freedom Caucus, formed part of the Bloc of House Conservatives that sealed the Bill's initial demise.

The OSC decision came in response to a Complaint filed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

“The rules are clear that government officials aren’t allowed to use their position for campaign activity,” said CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder in a statement. “OSC has made clear with this ruling that they are going to enforce these important rules and work to keep the government free from inappropriate politics.”

Part of all the Ethic problems with Trump's Administration's new Members who never worked in the Federal system is Vice President Pence. At the beginning of taking Office, he decided to save money and cancelled the normal Ethic Courses that new employees usually are required to take.

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