Monday, June 12, 2017

Tell Sec. Tillerson to Stand Up Against Cuts to Foreign Aid 

Secretary of State Tillerson will Head to Capitol Hill tomorrow.

He will go in front of Senate Committees that Oversee the International Affairs Budget to actually Defend the President’s proposed Cuts to it.

These Cuts would be devastating for people living in Extreme Poverty and Erode America’s Leadership in the World.

And yet, the Secretary will Speak in Front of Members of Congress to convince them they are the right thing to do.

But, we know Secretary Tillerson understands the importance of Foreign Aid and U.S. Development Programs. In his Confirmation Hearing just a few months ago, the Secretary told Congress that “USAID is an important part of the projection of America's values around the world.” These Cuts could literally mean Life or Death for millions of the world’s Poorest people. They Signal to the rest of the World that the Fight against Extreme Poverty just isn’t a Priority for us. This is not who we are, and Secretary Tillerson is on the Record saying he knows this.

The Hearings start at 10:00AM tomorrow morning so we don’t have much time to make sure Secretary Tillerson knows Americans want him to defend Aid, not cuts to the Foreign Aid Budget.

We need to put pressure on the Secretary to do the Right Thing and Stand Up to President Trump’s Cuts to the International Assistance Budget.

CLICK HERE to send him a message now.

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