Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Government By the People Act of 2017

The Government By the People Act of 2017 - H.R. 20, Sponsored by Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3], was introduced 01/24/2017.

We all deserve to have our Voices heard in our Elections, but more than ever before, our Elections are dominated by wealthy Special Interest Spending.

That’s why Congress must pass the Government by the People Act: to Fight Big Money and put Power in the Hands of everyday People.

The Government by the People Act would give everyday Americans, the ability to compete with Small Donations, like Big Donors, with a Six-to-One Match for those Small Contributions, and Incentives Candidates to focus on Raising Money from Small Donors.

Stop billionaires and Dark Money, from overwhelming our Democracy, by giving Small Donors a chance.

CLICK HERE for more information about The Government By the People Act of 2017.

CLICK HERE for information about Small Donor Matching Funds: The NYC Election Experience. This is the premier Campaign Matching Fund system in the Country.

CLICK HERE to Sign the Petition to Congress to Pass the Government by the People Act.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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