Generation Citizen (GC) works to ensure that every Student in the United States receives an effective action Civics Education, which provides them with the Knowledge and Skills necessary to participate in our Democracy as Active Citizens.
They inspire Civic Participation through a proven State standards-aligned action civics Class that gives Students the opportunity to experience real-world Democracy. Through Student-driven projects, youth learn how to effect Policy Change by engaging with Local Government and Leaders to solve Community problems.
GC Students receive an effective, action-oriented Civics education that promotes long-term Civic engagement and builds collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills that Students will need throughout their lives.
The result is passionate and responsible Civic participation that will help create the more active Citizenry and more responsive Government of our future.
Current efforts now need to be focused almost exclusively on eliminating the Civic Engagement Gap by focusing their work on working with Under-Served Youth populations. Specifically, GC ensures that at least 90% of their School partners have a Majority of Students on free-or-reduced lunch. They feel that they will best be able to achieve their ultimate mission by focusing current work and resources on eliminating the Civic Engagement gap.
1 - Students debate and build consensus around an issue that personally affects them, e.g. Gang Violence, Public Transit, Teen Jobs, etc.
2- Students research and analyze the root cause of their issue, and develop an Action Plan.
3- Students put their plans into action by meeting with Legislators, writing Opinion Pieces, Creating Petitions, and Informing Policy.
4 - Students present their Action Plans to Community Leaders and fellow Classmates at Civics Day.
5 - Back in the classroom, Students reflect and explore concrete ways to remain Active, Politically Engaged Citizens.
CLICK HERE for more information about the Generation Citizen Program.
DeNora Getachew - New York Executive Director
DeNora is a native New Yorker and passionate Advocate who over the last decade has fought to improve our Democracy at the National, State, and Local level.
Like many of GC’s students, she was in high school when she had her “light bulb moment” about the importance of being a strong Advocate and how to mount an advocacy campaign to seek change.
DeNora attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Fordham University School of Law. She cut her teeth working on Local Democracy and Government Reform for former New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn. Throughout her career, DeNora has shaped state and Local Policy on a host of Reform issues, including as Campaign Manager & Legislative Counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, Policy Director for then-Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, Policy Director at Citizens Union, Legislative Director at the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, and Legislative Attorney for the New York City Council’s Governmental Operations Committee. She has worked to modernize State Voting and Campaign Finance Laws; increase Government Accountability and Transparency; improve New York City’s Education and social Welfare systems; and enhance Police Accountability and Oversight. During her Democracy and Social Justice travels, DeNora has contributed to the New York Times’ City blog, Huffington Post, the Des Moines Register, Newsday, and Gotham Gazette.
DeNora values giving back to her Community. She serves as a Board Member of Union Settlement and Planned Parenthood NYC Votes. She also Volunteers with the New York Junior League and with the Greater New York Chapter of the Links, Inc., where she works to Improve Outcomes for and provide Opportunities to Undeserved Young Adults.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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