Saturday, January 28, 2017

WA State Bill to Move Presidential Primaries

Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this post.

Washington Representative Zack Hudgins (D-Tukwila) has introduced HB 1469, to move the Presidential Primaries from the fourth Tuesday in May to the second Tuesday in March.

The bill retains the aspect of the existing law that allows the date to be moved if the Major Parties agree to another date.

The bill also provides that the votes should be tallied so that the Public and the Parties would received two different vote totals for each candidate.

There would be a tally for voters who were willing to sign in as Party Members, and a tally for voters who said they do not intend to join a Party.

The Parties would decide which set of Election Returns would be used to determine who had been Elected as a delegate to the National Convention.

CLICK HERE to read the six page (PDF) Bill.

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