Today, President Obama reached his Two-Term Limit as set by the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. Trump was then sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
Let’s take a moment to remember the important role that Term Limits play in our Democracy. George Washington set the Standard by stepping down after Two Terms and the American people made it official in 1951 by amending the Constitution to require Presidential Term Limits.
The peaceful transition of our Presidency is hard to find in Nations without Term Limits. In many Countries, one person will build up so much power that he or she becomes impossible to remove from Office. Once that happens, Leaders behave badly and Citizens start to feel like their voices don’t matter.
Presidential Term Limits are a success story.
Now, we should take the same step to protect ourselves from Career Politicians in Congress. President Trump agrees that it's time to pass a Constitutional Amendment for Congressional Term Limits. In his Inaugural Speech today, he said "what truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people."
Why should Congress members serve forever while the President, 36 Governors and thousands of other State and Local officials are term-limited?
Isn't it time for the People to reclaim control of Congress?
Your State Legislature has the power to go around Congress and help convene the Term Limits Convention. It's the only strategy that doesn't require Members of Congress to approve Term Limits on their own seats!
Demand Term Limits on Congress!
Congress was meant to be a Citizen Legislature. Our representatives were supposed to go to Washington, serve for a short time, then return to live under the Laws they made.
This vision has been lost. Congress is now a haven for Career Politicians who put their own power, perks, and privileges ahead of Public Service. Even worse, they are impossible to unseat thanks to cozy connections with Lobbyists and Special Interests.
This broken system needs repair. U.S. Term Limits is fighting to call a Convention under Article V of the Constitution to propose an Amendment for Term Limits on the U.S. House and Senate. If we do not act now, we may never be able to bring back Government of, by, and for the people.
Congress has a 13% Approval Rating, but a 95% Re-Election rate! That's because our Elected Leaders can abuse their power to keep away Electoral challenges, which transfers power away from Citizens and into the hands of unaccountable career Politicians.
Term Limits NOW Petition for U.S Congress
Whereas, Congress ratings are at an historic low point; and
Whereas, the American people no longer trust career politicians who run for reelection over and over again; and
Whereas, members of Congress seem to care more about pandering to campaign contributors and special interest groups than representing their constituents; and
Whereas, election rules and government power have been perverted so that it has become almost impossible for the people to vote their elected representatives out of office; and
Whereas, 75% of the American people support term limits; and
Whereas, Congress will not vote for an amendment to term limit itself; and
Whereas, Article V of the Constitution allows for states to bypass Congress to propose the amendment through Convention; and
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that I do hereby support a Term Limits Convention to enact a constitutional amendment for term limits on members of the U.S. Senate and on members of The House of Representatives.
CLICK HERE to Get involved in your State by signing the Petition today.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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