Monday, January 16, 2017

The New York Health Act

There’s almost nothing more rigged against working people, or hits them harder in the wallet, than Health Care. And it’s a life-or-death issue. To make Government more responsive to the needs of working- and middle-class people, and treat them with respect and fairness, Health Care is the place for New York to start.

While Trump and Republicans in Congress are looking to degrade Medicaid and Medicare and wrecking the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we can work in New York to build a system that serves all of us.

The ACA made important repairs to the system. But it leaves Insurance companies in charge.

As Trump and Congress move to privatize Medicare by turning it over to Insurance companies, dismantle the ACA, give more power to Insurance companies and cut Medicaid, millions of working people in New York will have less access to affordable Health Care.

Their agenda will not help working people deal with Health Care; they will make things a lot worse.

But New York can choose a different path.

A progressive State can provide complete Universal Health coverage through an “Improved Medicare for all” Single-Payer plan. In New York, the bill is called the New York Health Act (A.5062/S.3525).

It would have no Premiums, Deductibles, Co-Pays, Restricted Provider Networks or Out-of-Network Charges, Regressive “Taxes” that hit working people hardest. Instead, New York Health would be funded fairly through a graduated broad-based tax based on ability to pay, on Taxable Income from Employment, Capital Gains, Interest, Dividends, etc.

The Doctors and Hospitals you choose would provide care. The plan would cover all medically necessary services, including: Primary, Preventive, Specialists, Hospital, Mental Health, Reproductive Health Care, Dental, Vision, Prescription Drugs, Lab Tests, and Medical Supplies, more comprehensive than Commercial Health Plans.

The New York Health plan will treat Patients and Health Care Providers more fairly because all of us, rich and poor, will be covered. If Elected officials don’t keep the quality high, they’ll face Political consequences. That’s what has protected Medicare against years of attacks.

New York Health would save us tens of billions a year. Taking Insurance companies out of the picture would save billions in private Insurance company Administration and Profit and the billions Doctors and Hospitals spend to fight with Insurers. It would save by negotiating prices of Drugs and Medical Devices. Employers wouldn’t spend billions on reviewing, selecting and administering Health Benefits.

Working people would benefit because the lower total cost would be funded based on ability to pay.

The New York Assembly passed the bill in 2015 and 2016, helping to move it from being “a great idea that could never happen” to something really achievable. In 2017, we need to continue to work to build public support so it can ultimately pass the Senate.

People talk about making Government respond to the needs of working- and middle-class people.

A State “Improved Medicare for All” plan is a key action New York can take.

How Would the New York Health Act Work?

It would provide comprehensive, Universal Health coverage for every New Yorker and would replace Private Insurance company coverage. You and your Health Care providers work to keep you healthy. New York Health pays the bill.

1. Freedom to choose your Health Care providers. There would be no Network restrictions. Only Patients and their Doctors, not Insurance Companies, would make Health Care decisions.

2. Comprehensive coverage. All New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status, would be covered for all medically necessary services, including: Primary, Preventive, Specialists, Hospital, Mental Health, Reproductive Health Care, Dental, Vision, Prescription Drug, and Medical Supply costs, more comprehensive than Commercial Health plans.

3. Paid for fairly. Today, Insurance companies set the same high Premiums, Deductibles, and co-Pays, whether it’s for a CEO or a receptionist, and a big successful company actually pays less than a small new business.

Under New York Health, Individuals and Employers would not pay Premiums, Deductibles and Co-Pays.

Instead, coverage would be funded through a graduated assessment on payroll and non-payroll taxable income, based on ability to pay. For 98% of New Yorkers, it will be a substantial reduction in what they now spend. The estimates are that there would be savings for New Yorkers with incomes up to $400,000, with the biggest share of savings going to Middle-Class families.

4. Less Administrative waste, better care, more accountability. The total cost would be $45 billion less than what we now spend, because we wouldn’t be paying for huge Insurance company Administrative costs and profits or for the costly time and paperwork Health Care providers spend for dealing with Insurance companies. Health coverage would be accountable to the people of New York, not to Insurance company stockholders.

5. Job-friendly. Health care costs are a significant and unpredictable problem for business. These costs as a share of payroll have increased 50% in a decade, with small group rates increasing almost 7% on average in 2014, and New York Businesses spend over $2 billion annually just to Administer Health benefits. The New York Health Act simplifies and reduces costs for Employers, large and small, by taking them out of the business of buying health coverage. That would make New York dramatically more job friendly, especially for Small Businesses, Start-Ups, Low-Margin Businesses, Local Governments and Taxpayers, and Non-Profits.

6. Any plan that keeps Insurance companies in the picture means wasting close to $50 billion a year. The cost of eliminating financial barriers to Health Care and providing Universal coverage would be more than offset by savings on Administration and through Negotiated Pricing for Pharmaceuticals and other services.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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