Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How NYC Sanctuary City Handles Crimes Committed by Non-Citizens

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is open to expanding the List of Criminal offenses for which the City is willing to comply with Detainer requests from Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, he said Monday.

"There are currently 170 offenses that as a matter of New York City law, when any of those offenses is committed, we cooperate with ICE," de Blasio told Members of the State Legislature Monday during a Joint Budget Hearing.

"If there are some offenses that we should add, we are willing to do that always."

The City currently lists 170 Crimes for which a Non-Citizen can be handed over to Federal Immigration Authorities.

But that list does not include crimes such as:

- Forcible Touching
- Grand Larceny
- Identity Theft

De Blasio has said the City already cooperates with ICE on Serious and Violent offenses, but he has come under scrutiny for comments he made about the City's current Policy.

"Grand larceny or drunk driving a very minor offense," de Blasio said "Drunk driving that does not lead to any other negative outcome, I could define as that."

That comment drew a rebuke from Richard Mallow, Executive Director of the New York State Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. "There is nothing minor when drunk driving kills or injures 300,000 people every year,".

Isn't Kills or Injures a Negative outcome?

Or how many times someone receives a DWI is considered a Negative outcome?

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