Sunday, November 20, 2016

Albany NY Independent Redistricting or Gerrymandering Decisions Soon

Albany County Legislator Paul Burgdorf (District 23) looks at Legislature's attempt to change the way it Redistricts. Burgdorf sides with a reform group seeking to "ban(s) Legislators, Political officials, Lobbyists and Political donors from the process of creating the maps. Local law requires that Districts be compact, observe Municipal boundaries, comply with the Voting Rights Act, and requires the use of independent map makers. The proposal also prohibits partisan registration information and the addresses of candidates from being considered when drawing the maps.

An important principle in democracy is that voters should pick their Elected officials; Elected officials shouldn’t pick their voters. Sadly, Gerrymandering is an all too common problem that disenfranchises voters and empowers politicians.

New York District 23 created at the turn of the decade and was designed for the then Colonie Democratic Chairman who coincidentally ran unopposed. It runs from Loudonville to Latham in compact contiguous districts; then wanders down the Wolf Road commercial corridor till Sand Creek Road, and then adds a portion of the Village of Colonie. Altogether the District crosses 3 zip codes, 2 school districts, and a Municipal boundary, which includes less than 8,000 constituents.

Monday night at the Albany County Legislature’s Law Committee begins the dialogue by the Legislature on what the County Legislature is to look like, and who will draw the lines.

On one side is the Reform Coalition’s Redistricting Commission proposal which he supporst, sponsored by a tri-partisan group of 19 Democrats, Republicans and a Conservative who want truly independent redistricting.

This legislation bans Legislators, Political officials, Lobbyists and Political donors from the process of creating the District maps.

The other proposal maintains the status quo of Legislative involvement by continuing to allow Legislators to draw their own Districts. The proposal has no independence and continues to allow one Party to control the process of creating the maps. Unsurprisingly this proposal is supported by the leadership of the Legislature.

The last three redistricting’s conducted by the Albany County Legislature has led to suits against Albany County. Just last year Albany paid a $1.7 million dollar judgement for legal fees because Gerrymandering and non-compliance with the Voting Right Act. That’s an equivalent of almost a 2% tax increase. The Legislative leadership kept trying to draw minority Districts in Albany to their advantage, and losing in Court. To affirmatively deal with this, they are placing members of the NAACP and the League of Woman voters on their Redistricting Commission, and by requiring the hiring of Counsel who has experience with Voting Rights Act.

The sponsors of the Independent Redistricting Commission Legislation are a committed group. They are proposing what is good for Albany County residents, not what’s good for individual Legislators, Candidates and Political Parties. During this time of heightened political divide across the Country it’s refreshing that 19 can work in a tri-partisan fashion for the benefit of the County.

Monday night the Law Committee will decide how to go forward. Ultimately the proposals will be subject to public hearing and they hope Albany County residents come forward to tell the Committee what type of legislature they want.

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