Citizens United is one of the worst U.S. Supreme Court rulings in decades.
Well, hold on to your hat. Trump hired the far-right Political operative behind Citizens United as his Deputy Campaign Manager. And now the person to blame for Citizens United is Second in Command at the Trump Campaign.
For the past six and a half years, billionaires and Big Business have been exploiting Citizens United in an all-out assault on our Political system.
Ever since the day the Supreme Court handed down its Citizens United decision, Public Citizen has led the Nationwide Grassroots movement, now millions and millions strong, for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the ruling and restore Democracy to its rightful owners — We the People.
- 17 states have formally called for an amendment.
- Nearly 700 Cities, Towns and Counties from coast to coast have done the same.
- Countless Political leaders including: President Barack Obama, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, have publicly backed an amendment.
In a historic vote by the full United States Senate, a Majority of Senators supported an amendment.
Eight out of ten Americans, Democrat, Republican and Independent alike, believe we must overturn Citizens United.
But there is much, much more work to do.
No matter who ends up in the White House, overturning Citizens United MUST be our top priority if we want to have any hope of preserving, not to mention advancing, all the progress we’ve made together as a Nation.
Progress on so many issues: income inequality, gun violence, clean air and water, infrastructure investment, drug pricing, climate change, civil rights, Wall Street reform, and on and on, is being undermined by secretive forces exploiting Citizens United in an attempt to turn our Country into their own plutocratic playground.
CLICK HERE for more information about Taking Action Against Corporate Money in Elections.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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