NY1 and the New York Post have sued New York City Mayor de Blasio for emails from his 'Agents of the City' in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Mayor de Blasio may have to go to Court to defend City Hall's decision to withhold e-mails between the Mayor and his outside advisors, known as 'Agents of the City'.
NY1 News and the New York Post filed suit against the Mayor Thursday over the Administration's refusal to release messages exchanged between Mayor de Blasio, his Top Aides, and an outside consultant, Jonathan Rosen.
Rosen is one of five outside Advisors to Mayor de Blasio whom City Hall has given special status.
Rosen's Consulting firm represents many clients with business before the City.
The de Blasio Administration is insisting that even though Rosen and the others are not paid by City Hall they should effectively be treated like City Employees and protected from certain FOIA requests."
The arrangement has come under fire from Government Watchdog groups and others who say the Mayor must be more transparent about his interactions with outside consultants.
Robert Freeman, the Head of the State's Committee on Open Government, told POLITICO New York in May that Mayor de Blasio's explanation was 'mishegas'. In a more formal opinion issued in August this year, Freeman said, 'The records cannot be withheld based on the rationale offered' by the de Blasio administration."
CLICK HERE to view the Court Documents.

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