The New York Independence Party (NYIP) State Committee's Presidential nominating Convention endorsed the Libertarian Ticket of Johnson and Weld.
It was a unanimous vote.
The Independent Party is ballot line qualified. In the 2015 Governor Election it received 77,762 votes, it only needed 50,000.
As of April 01, 2016 is has 430,172 Active members and 475,556 Total members.
In the 2016 Federal Election it will support:
New York is a Fusion State which allows a candidate to file on more then one Party label.
Independence - Charles E. Schumer (D)
Congress 1st District
Independence - David L. Calone
Congress 2nd District
Independence - Du Wayne Gregory (D)
Congress 3rd District
Independence - Jack M. Martins (R)
Congress 10th District
Independence - Philip Rosenthal (R)
Congress 11th District
Independence - Dan Donovan (R)
Congress 13th District
Independence - Robert A. Evans, Jr. (R)
Congress 18th District
Independence - Sean Patrick Maloney (D)
Congress 19th District
Independence - John J. Faso (R)
Congress 20th District
Independence - Paul D. Tonko (D)
Congress 21st District
Independence - Elise M. Stefanik (R)
Congress 23rd District
Independence - Thomas W. Reed, II (R)
Congress 24th District
Independence - John M. Katko (R)
Congress 25th District
Independence - Mark W. Assini (R)
Congress 27th District
Independence - Chris Collins(R)

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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