New York Federal Candidates for 2016 General Election
President/Vice-President - Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
Senate - Charles E. Schumer
Congress 1st District - Anna E. Throne-Holst
Congress 2nd District - Du Wayne Gregory
Congress 3rd District - Tom R. Suozzi
Congress 4th District - Kathleen M. Rice
Congress 5th District - Gregory W. Meeks
Congress 6th District - Grace Ming
Congress 7th District - Nydia M. Velazquez
Congress 8th District - Hakeem S. Jeffries
Congress 9th District - Yvette D. Clark
Congress 10th District - Jerrold L. Nadler
Congress 11th District - Richard A. Reichard
Congress 12th District - Carolyn Maloney
Congress 13th District - Adriano Espaillat
Congress 14th District - Joseph Crowley
Congress 15th District - Jose E. Serrano
Congress 16th District - Eliot L. Engel
Congress 17th District - Nita M. Lowery
Congress 18th District - Sean Patrick Maloney
Congress 19th District - Zephyr Teachout
Congress 20th District - Paul D. Tonko
Congress 21st District - Mike Derrick
Congress 22nd District - Kim A. Myers
Congress 23rd District - John F. Plumb
Congress 24th District - Colleen Deacon
Congress 25th District - Louise M. Slaughter
Congress 26th District - Brian Higgins
Congress 27th District - Diana K. Kastenbaum
President/Vice-President - Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence
Senate - Wendy Long
Congress 1st District - Lee M. Zeldin
Congress 2nd District - Peter T. King (TRP-Tax Revolt)
Congress 3rd District - Jack M. Martins
Congress 4th District - David H. Gurfein
Congress 5th District - Michael A. O'Reilly
Congress 6th District - Danniel S. Maio
Congress 7th District - Allan E. Romaguera
Congress 10th District - Philip Rosenthal
Congress 11th District - Dan Donovan
Congress 12th District - Robert Ardini
Congress 13th District - Robert A. Evans, Jr.
Congress 14th District - Frank J. Spotorno
Congress 15th District - Alejandro Vega
Congress 18th District - Phil Oliva
Congress 19th District - John J. Faso
Congress 20th District - Joe Vitollo
Congress 21st District - Elise M. Stefanik
Congress 22nd District - Claudia Tenney
Congress 23rd District - Thomas W. Reed, II
Congress 24th District - John M. Katko
Congress 25th District - Mark W. Assini
Congress 26th District - Shelly Schratz
Congress 27th District - Chris Collins
New York is a Fusion State which allows a candidate to file on more then one Party label.
Conservative - Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence
Green - Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka
Working Families - Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
Independence - Gary Johnson/Bill Weld
Woman's Equality - Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
LBT-Libertarian - Gary Johnson/Bill Weld
Conservative - Wendy Long
Green - Robin Laverne Wilson
Working Families - Charles E. Schumer
Independence - Charles E. Schumer
Woman's Equality - Charles E. Schumer
Reform - Wendy Long
LBT-Libertarian - Alex Merced
Congress 1st District
Conservative - Lee M. Zeldin
Working Families - Kenneth D. Schaeffer
Independence - David L. Calone
Woman's Equality - Anna E. Throne-Holst
Reform - Lee M. Zeldin
Congress 2nd District
Conservative - Peter T. King
Working Families - Du Wayne Gregory
Independence - Du Wayne Gregory
Women's Equality - Du Wayne Gregory
Reform - Peter T. King
Congress 3rd District
Conservative - Jack M. Martins
Reform - Jack M. Martins
Congress 4th District
Conservative - David H. Gurfein
Women's Equality - Kathleen M. Rice
Reform - David H. Gurfein
TRP-Tax Revolt - David H. Gurfein
Congress 5th District
Conservative - Michael A. O'Reilly
Green - Frank Francois
Women's Equality - Gregory W. Meeks
Congress 6th District
Conservative - Daniel S. Maio
Women's Equality - Grace Meng
BLM-Blue Lives Matter - Daniel S. Maio
Congress 7th District
Conservative - Allan E. Romaguera
Women's Equality - Nydia M. Velazquez
Congress 8th District
Conservative - Daniel J. Cavanagh
Working Families - Hakeem S. Jeffries
Congress 9th District
Conservative - Alan Bellone
Working Families - Yvette D. Clarke
Congress 10th District
Conservative - Philip Rosenthal
Working Families - Jerrold L. Nadler
Independence - Philip Rosenthal
Women's Equality - Jerrold L. Nadler
SID-Stop Iran Deal - Philip Rosenthal
Congress 11th District
Conservative - Dan Donovan
Green - Henry J. Bardel
Independence - Dan Donovan
Reform - Dan Donovan
Congress 12th District
Working Families - Carolyn Maloney
Congress 13th District
Green - Daniel Vila Rivera
Independence - Robert A. Evans, Jr.
TGP-Transparent Gov't - Scott Lloyd Fenstermaker
Congress 14th District
Conservative - Frank J. Spotorno
Working Families - Joseph Crowley
Woman's Equality - Joseph Crowley
Congress 15th District
Conservative - Eduardo Ramirez
Congress 16th District
Working Families - Eliot L. Engel
Woman's Equality - Eliot L. Engel
PCC-People's Choice - Derickson K. Lawrence
Congress 17th District
Working Families - Nita M. Lowey
Woman's Equality - Nita M. Lowey
Congress 18th District
Conservative - Phil Oliva
Working Families - Sean Patrick Maloney
Independence - Sean Patrick Maloney
Woman's Equality - Sean Patrick Maloney
Reform - Phil Oliva
Congress 19th District
Conservative - John J. Faso
Working Families - Zephyr Teachout
Independence - John J. Faso
Reform - John J. Faso
Congress 20th District
Conservative - Joe Vitollo
Working Families - Paul D. Tonko
Independence - Paul D. Tonko
Woman's Equality - Paul D. Tonko
Reform - Joe Vitollo
Congress 21st District
Conservative - Elise M. Stefanik
Green - Matthew J. Funiclello
Working Families - Mike Derrick
Independence - Elise M. Stefanik
Reform - Elise M. Stefanik
Congress 22nd District
Conservative - Claudia Tenney
Working Families - Kim A. Myers
Reform - Martin Babinec (UJP-Upstate Jobs)
Congress 23rd District
Conservative - Thomas W. Reed, II
Working Families - John F. Plumb
Independence - Thomas W. Reed, II
Reform - Thomas W. Reed, II
Congress 24th District
Conservative - John M. Katko
Working Families - Mimi C. Satter
Independence - John M. Katko
Reform - John M. Katko
Congress 25th District
Conservative - Mark W. Assini
Working Families - Louise M. Slaughter
Independence - Mark W. Assini
Woman's Equality - Louise M. Slaughter
Reform - Mark W. Assini
Congress 26th District
Conservative - Shelly Schratz
Working Families - Brian Higgins
Woman's Equality - Brian Higgins
Congress 27th District
Conservative - Chris Collins
Independence - Chris Collins
Reform - Chris Collins
Bold - Candidates Approved by Board of Elections.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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