Thursday, August 25, 2016

Term Limits for Congress

The American people want Term Limits for Congress. But they are frustrated.

They don’t understand how we can get around the professional politicians in D.C. who are blocking Term Limits.

That’s why USTL produced an animated video about the Term Limits Convention. It explains how we can bypass Congress with this issue.

Most Americans don’t understand that our founding fathers wrote an emergency clause into the Constitution in case Congress got out of control.

And this emergency clause is how we are going to impose Term Limits on the politicians in Washington.

A Term Limits Convention!

U.S. Term Limits is a modest grassroots organization. They are fighting entrenched politicians and all the lobbyists and all their money to finally rein in the House and Senate.

They need to convince enough States to call the Term Limits Convention.

Every American needs to see this video. We need to rally the American people behind the Term Limits Convention.

We need to end the culture of careerism that is ruining America.

CLICK HERE for more information about the Term Limits Convention.

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