Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Early Voting in Milwaukee to Include Remote Sites

Wisconsin's Milwaukee officials plan to allow Early Voting on the North and South sides for two weeks starting Oct. 10 in a move that some Democrats are warning could lead to Voter confusion.

Under the still-developing plans, the location for early voting would change after two weeks. The plans are “unnecessarily complicated,” said Joe Zepecki, a Democratic Strategist. “Where the objective is making it easier for people to vote, you want to have clarity and consistency throughout,” he said. “This plan doesn’t lend itself to everyone in a community knowing where they can vote.”

Early voting according to preliminary plans described by Neil Albrecht, the Executive Director of the Milwaukee Election Commission. The specific sites have not yet been announced.

After two weeks, voting would cease at those locations and then commence at City Hall. Early voting would end on Nov. 4, the Friday before the Nov. 8 election, under the plans, which would cost $60,000 to $80,000.

Early voting at all the locations will include weekend and evening hours, Albrecht said. He said he hopes to finalize plans this week and stressed that they could still change based on how the public reacts to the initial proposal. “Nothing has been set in stone,” he said. Albrecht said making sure early voting goes smoothly is essential, particularly because as many as 5,000 people vote in a day. “We really need to be conscious of not creating something that turns into an unpleasant voting experience,” he said.

The City is able to set such an Early voting schedule because of a recent Court ruling that struck down limits on Early voting approved by GOP Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans who control the Legislature. Under those limits, Early voting could not have started until Oct. 24 and could not have included weekend voting.

The court rulings allow Municipalities to decide for themselves when to begin Early voting and where to allow it.

Zepecki said he would like to see Milwaukee adopt an Early voting plan similar to Madison’s. There, Early voting will start on Sept. 26 and will eventually include numerous locations, likely including Public Libraries and College Campuses.

“The concern is if you publicize and raise awareness about these satellite locations (in Milwaukee) and then you change them two weeks before the election, that leads to frustration,” said Zepecki, who is working on efforts this fall to elect Hillary Clinton to the Presidency and Russ Feingold to the Senate.

State Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) said he was pleased Early voting would include polling locations on the North and South sides of the State's largest city. “I see that as a win for democracy, that we are expanding opportunities to get people access to the voting booth,” he said. But he shared Zepecki’s concerns about ending Early voting at those sites more than two weeks before Election day.

Scot Ross, Executive Director of the liberal One Wisconsin Institute, said he would like to see Early voting held at remote locations during the entire time Early voting is conducted. Ross’ group was involved in the litigation that changed the Early voting rules. “I’d like to see consistency throughout the process,” he said of Milwaukee’s plans.

The frustration for people like Zepecki and Ross comes in part because it’s happening at a time when the rules for this Election should start to be clearer.

The rules have been in flux in recent weeks because of competing Court rulings, but a decision Friday by the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago likely cements what the rules for this Election will be. Under that decision, Municipalities can chart their own course for Early voting. The ruling also makes clear Voters will have to show Photo ID at the polls.

Those who don’t have IDs can get free IDs or other Voting credentials at the Division of Motor Vehicles, even if they don’t have birth certificates.

Though the rules for this Election are essentially set, the Appeals Court will continue to review the litigation. Its final decision will likely come after the Election and could result in different rules for future Elections.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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