At the National Political Conventions last month, speaker after speaker pointed out the importance of State Elections and denounced the influence of big money spending in their races.
They are so right! That’s why the fact that the New York Governor and the State Legislature failed to adequately address the corruption crisis in our State is so disappointing. Yet again, the Legislature and the Governor missed the mark. But they can still do something about it!
Tell Gov. Cuomo it’s time to get it right!
Yet again, the Legislature, enabled by the Governor, failed to close the infamous LLC Loophole that grants special access to moneyed interests or special interest groups. Through this loophole, these groups ply the Governor and the Legislature with money, and in return, receive political favors.
The need to reverse this trend is clear, so clear that the New York Daily News called the loophole, “a blight of influence-buying that's become such a destructive force in state politics.”
We can have a better, more efficient, and more responsive Albany, but first, we must fix our democracy.
CLICK HERE to tell Gov. Cuomo: You have the power to call a Special Session to eliminate the loophole, and once and for all, change the system so that our Legislature and our Government will be by, and for the people.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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