Majority rule is a fundamental principle of American Representative Democracy. Our leaders should be elected by more than half of us.
Races with more than two candidates are common in Maine and often result in winners elected by fewer than half of voters.
In 9 of the last 11 races for Governor, candidates were elected by fewer than half of voters.
In 5 of those races, candidates were elected by fewer than 40% of voters.
None of Maine’s Governors have been elected to their first term by a majority of voters in the last 40 years.
The nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Maine has endorsed Ranked Choice voting as the most cost-effective solution to restore majority rule and to give voters more power.
Ranked Choice Voting Legislation was introduced in the Maine Legislature when Independent Angus King was Governor and when Democrat John Baldacci was Governor. It has been introduced since Paul LePage took office with growing support Republican, Democratic and Independent lawmakers.
In 2008, members of the League of Women Voters of Maine began studying possible solutions to restore majority rule, eliminate vote splitting and give voters more power. In 2011, the League endorsed Ranked Choice Voting through a consensus process that involved their membership statewide. In 2013, the League convened a working group of Civic Leaders and Legal Scholars that developed language for this Citizen Initiative.
The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting was formed in October 2014 to collect signatures for the Citizen Initiative.
If enacted by Maine voters in November 2016, the Citizen Initiative would give voters the power to rank candidates running for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor, Maine Senate and Maine House beginning in 2018.
Ranked choice voting would be used to give voters more power in Primary and General elections. Voters could rank as many or as few candidates as they like.
The Citizen Initiative would create a more representative Democracy that restores majority rule and empowers voters.
CLICK HERE for more information about the Committee for Ranked Choice Voting and the Citizen Initiative.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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