Friday, June 3, 2016

Global Food Security Act Needs Your Support

We are so close to getting the Global Food Security Act (S. 1252) across the finish line, out of Congress, and signed into law. This week we are facing one of the last hurdles in Congress and we could use your help! We need Speaker Ryan and House Majority Leader McCarthy to put the Global Food Security Act on the calendar so that the House votes on it.

The Global Food Security Act ensures that the U.S. builds upon the successes of existing efforts to improve global food and nutrition security, particularly through the whole-of-government and comprehensive Feed the Future Initiative. This legislation strengthens the United States’ collective commitment to helping developing countries grow their way out of poverty and overcome hunger and malnutrition. Studies have shown that growth in the agriculture sector is 11 times more effective at reducing poverty as growth in other sectors in sub-Saharan Africa.

Congress is only in session for 21 more days before they leave for the summer, and they have a lot to get done. If the House doesn't vote on this in the next couple of weeks, we won't have another shot at this until after the election. It's time to get the Global Food Security Act out of Congress and onto the President's desk.

I need You to join other ONE members to be powerful force behind this bill, and members of Congress have noticed. From the letters to the calls, they have heard that their constituents want them to pass a bill that tackles global hunger and malnutrition.

CLICK HERE to send them a a short message asking them to bring it to a vote.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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