Saturday, April 2, 2016

Public Citizen Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring

We’re on the wrong end of a rigged political and economic system.

Democracy Awakening is a powerful, first-of-its-kind mobilization, organized by Public Citizen and 260 allies, to put We the People back in charge of OUR democracy.

Democracy Awakening’s core demands:

- Overturn Citizens United and other rulings that allow billionaires and Big Business to spend literally as much as they want undermining our elections.

- Stop Congress’ unprecedented partisan stonewalling on its Constitutional obligations in filling the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.

- Restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act that was gutted a few years ago, enabling states to re-institute discriminatory Jim Crow-era laws.

With events around the country from April 2 to 18, Democracy Awakening will feature a giant march in our nation’s capital, rallies, concerts, teach-ins, lobbying and civil disobedience.

The Democracy Awakening mobilization is the start of the next phase of movement building, taking us that much closer to winning the trans-formative change our country desperately needs.

CLICK HERE to add your name to the Democracy Awakening’s three core demands, if you’ve had it with everyday voters being shut out by discriminatory policies and shouted down by plutocratic forces.

CLICK HERE for information about April 16th teach-ins, concerts, and cultural events.

CLICK HERE for information about the March from April 2-11 and Sit-In on APRIL 11-18.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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