Innovation is everywhere. Except where the country’s most important decisions are being made, the U.S. Congress.
Neither party is getting the job done. It’s time to break through the gridlock.
It begins by electing five Independent, Centrist Senators not beholden to the broken parties who, like you, believe fiscal responsibility, economic opportunity, social tolerance and environmental stewardship should come first.
The five who will hold the swing votes on every issue facing the Senate, so neither major party will have the majority.
The five who will work for you, not the parties, pushing Congress to work faster and smarter.
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY - We are committed to putting the nation on a sound fiscal path.
FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT - We believe in putting the nation’s long-term interests ahead of the electoral interests of a political party or any narrow interest group.
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - We believe the role of government is to create an environment in which the private sector can thrive; to provide a meaningful safety net; and to ensure that every American has an opportunity to achieve his or her economic potential.
SOLVING PROBLEMS - We will set aside ideological purity if it enables us to achieve things that are broadly consistent with our views.
SOCIAL TOLERANCE - We believe that the Federal government should not involve itself in private behavior that does not affect the broader public.
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY - We will act as stewards of the environment for future generations.
In full disclosure, I have been a contributor from the beginning of this project.
CLICK HERE for more information.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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