Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Reforming NYC Campaign Finance Ahead of 2017 Elections

The New York City Council is working to strengthen the city's campaign finance laws and insulate elections from the consequences of outside money trying to buy influence.

The proposals would implement a number of recommendations made by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) in its 2013 post-election report.

Eight bills move to make determinations about:

- Public funds payments earlier in the election cycle.
- Reduce the impact of bundling by people doing business with the city.
- Add flexibility to the Voter Guide mandate.
- Address various technical aspects of elections such as voter guides, debate eligibility, and contributions from non-registered political committees.

The Council wants to make sure that for the 2017 election cycle, New York City is prepared for fair inclusionary and transparent campaigns.

CLICK HERE to read the 150 page (PDF) 2013 Post-Election report.

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