Tuesday, December 15, 2015

NY Looking at a New Voting System

New York will look at "ExpressVote" from ES&S, a new voting system, to determine if it deserves a pilot program.

The ExpressVote is a universal voting system designed for use by all voters.

Voters can use the touchscreen to make their ballot choices. Headphones and a tactile keypad are available for voters who require an audio ballot. When a voter has finished their ballot, the machine will print their marked ballot card which can then be placed in the optical scanner or a ballot box for central counting.


- Touchscreen voting
- Audio ballot option with keypad
- Universal voting system
- Printing Ballot Card saves cost of preprinted ballot
- Produces verifiable vote record
- Supports multiple languages

CLICK HERE for all the ES&S products.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
Digg! StumbleUpon

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