Wednesday, December 23, 2015

NY Gov. Cuomo Rejects Idea that Campaign Public Finance Stops Big Donations

Kenneth Lovett, New York Daily News Albany Bureau Chief write:

Gov. Cuomo on Monday shot down the idea that a state campaign public finance system would take big money out of politics.

Cuomo said the controversial 2010 Citizens United decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that prohibits the restriction of independent political spending makes a "mockery" of public campaign finance systems like in New York City that seek to reduce the flow of big donations.

"You're not going to get the money out of the system until the federal government changes the court or the law or both," Cuomo said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show.”

"The money is coming in. ... It's going to be big money and big donations because the federal law guarantees that with this Citizens United case that has institutionalized big anonymous money."

"If I believed that I could be influenced by $1 million or $1,000 or $50, then I'm in the wrong place and I should resign immediately," he said. "If you can be influenced by the money, then forget the denomination, you just have the wrong person in the office."

In the wake of the recent convictions of the two top legislative leaders, Cuomo said he will push for another ethics reform package when the Legislature returns in January.

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