Friday, December 4, 2015

Man Convicted After Voting in Three States in Same Election

Voting in three states in the same election. This chicanery is possible, and occasionally happens, because we do not have an official national voter registration database.

A Williamson County, Tennessee man has been convicted of voter fraud after voting three times in the same election and prosecutors said it went on for years.

It all started when a nonprofit in North Carolina wanted to see how many people voted in North Carolina in Florida. To their surprise, they found a Tennessee man who voted in all three states.

Court documents show Pasco Parker used absentee ballots to vote in the other states.

“I would like to think that as American citizens, we recognize one person, one vote,” Williamson County District Attorney Kim Helper said. “And if you have someone who is abusing that process, it takes away from the integrity of the entire system.”

The fraud was first discovered by the Voter Integrity Project. “It’s just data analysis is all it is,” said Jay DeLancy with the nonprofit. They matched election data from North Carolina and Florida and found more than 100 people who voted in both states. “What we proved is that people were voting in multiple states. We need to fix this,” DeLancy said.

Parker was one of the matches. The Voter Integrity Project also learned he voted in Spring Hill, TN, under a different social security number.

Parker said he voted in three states because he wanted to elect local leaders in each. He felt he should be able to vote where he owns property and pays taxes.

Parker was also convicted in North Carolina. Even though the convictions are low-level felonies, he has now lost the right to vote anywhere.

Tennessee law is clear that residents can only vote once during an election.

Parker received probation for the North Carolina conviction, but he spent about five months in jail in Williamson County waiting for the case to go to trial.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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1 comment:

richardwinger said...

Technically, he didn't vote three times in the same election. He voted in three different elections that were held on the same day.