Thursday, December 10, 2015

Historic Low Voter Turnout Gets Attention of NY State Assembly

The New York State Assembly holds a hearing today to consider why New York has the lowest voter turnout rates in the nation. The hearing takes place at 250 Broadway in New York City, Assembly Hearing Room 1923.

The United States Election Project, a Federal agency, studied voter turnout nationwide in 2014. It found New York had the worst voter turnout ever in New York and was 46th worst among the states.

The United States Elections Project is an information source for the United States Electoral system. The mission of the project is to provide timely and accurate election statistics, electoral laws, research reports, and other useful information regarding the United States electoral system. By providing this information, the project seeks to inform the people of the United States on how their electoral system works, how it may be improved, and how they can participate in it.

CLICK HERE for The United States Election Project's website.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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