Tuesday, December 22, 2015

FEC Chair Explains Why the FEC is Broken

Ann Ravel, former Santa Clara County Counsel, former Chair of California’s Fair Political Practices Commission, now Chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), explains why the FEC is so disfunctional, hoping she would call out the Republican Commissioners for their partisan obstructionism.

In a Calbuzz exclusive, Ravel spells out the issues but is too diplomatic to slash and burn.

She writes:

I am the Chair of the Federal Election Commission for a few more weeks, before the yearly title rotates to another commissioner in January, as required by law. My year as Chair has taught me even more clearly just how dysfunctional the Commission is, and how our dysfunction is harming the democratic process in this country.

I have talked to her after some events and know how passionate she is about her desire for changes at the FEC.

CLICK HERE to read her article.

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