Thursday, December 3, 2015

CA Assembly Bill 2028 Mail-In Ballot Pilot

Assembly Bill 2028 was approved in 2014 allowing San Mateo to join Yolo County in conducting countywide elections all by mail up to three times before 2018 as part of a pilot program. Under the legislation, every registered voter will receive a ballot in the mail along with a ballot return envelope with prepaid postage.

Although prior to the passage of the legislation the majority of San Mateo voters were already casting their ballot by mail conducting the election solely by mail was a major shift and required extensive voter outreach.

San Mateo completed its first countywide all-mail election on Nov. 3rd, and by all accounts, the election, part of a pilot program for the State of California, was very successful.

A total of 105,341 ballots were cast in this election. This is an increase of 14,000 ballots over the previous local consolidated election held in 2013.

Voter turnout reached 29.5 percent, an increase of 4 percent over the 25.4 percent turnout in 2013. These numbers are impressive given the historical downward trend of voter participation locally and in the State of California for local elections.

In order for an All-Mailed Ballot Election to be successful, an extensive voter outreach and education program must be initiated and continued through the complete election cycle. This requires the allocation of significant staffing and fiscal resources. While these efforts are challenging, voter education and outreach is one of the most important responsibilities as election officials.

With increased voter turnout, lower election costs, quicker results on Election Night and increased efficiencies, San Mateo County has proven that an All-Mailed Ballot Election, properly conducted, is a model on how future elections could be conducted in California.

CLICK HERE for more information about Assembly Bill 2028.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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