Thursday, September 3, 2015

Under One Sky New York

World leaders will gather in NYC in just a few weeks to sign on to a series of global goals to ensure a brighter future for the world's poorest people. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to tackle the most pressing issues of our time: Poverty and inequality.

On September 24th, the night before the global goals are announced, the world will come together in a unique moment of global solidarity to mark one of the most significant opportunities of our generation.

The journey will begin in Australia and move across over 70 countries from India to South Africa from the UK to Brazil where thousands of people will gather to light the way to New York and this historic agreement, and stand together in solidarity UNDER ONE SKY.

And we want YOU to join us for the final even.

Join The ONE Organization on September 24, 2015, at the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at 878 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10017, across the street from my condo, at 6pm.

CLICK HERE to indicate if you will attend.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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