Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Lineup for the Next Republican Presidential Debate

The stage is set for the CNN Reagan Library Debate next week in California, with Carly Fiorina joining 10 other leading Republican presidential candidates at 8 p.m. ET.

Thursday marked the close of the two-month window for determining eligibility based on averages of national polls. The results were based on 14 polls including interviews with more than 6,000 potential Republican primary voters. The top 10 candidates overall, plus Fiorina, whose average support places her within the top 10 in polls conducted after the first debate held August 6, have all qualified for the 8:00 p.m. debate next Wednesday in Simi Valley. The remaining four candidates will appear during an earlier debate beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, who participated in the August 6 debate, did not meet the criteria for inclusion in next Wednesday's debate. Candidates were required to average 1% support in any three polls released during the two-month window. Out of the 14 polls released during that time, Gilmore had 1% support in only one poll.

The post-debate polls were also used to determine the order that the candidates would appear on stage. Trump will anchor the center of the stage for the 8:00 p.m. debate, flanked by Carson to his right and Bush to his left. Walker, Fiorina, Kasich and Christie, in that order, will stand to Bush's left, while Cruz, Rubio, Huckabee and Paul will appear to Carson's right.

In the earlier debate, Santorum and Pataki will stand to the left and Jindal and Graham will be on the right. Perry was originally tabbed to be center stage before he announced on Friday that he was dropping out of the race.

The overall average includes results from:
- Fox News poll released July 17
- Washington Post/ABC News poll released July 20
- CNN/ORC poll released July 26
- Quinnipiac University poll released July 30
- NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released August 2
- Monmouth University poll released August 3
- Fox News poll released August 3
- Bloomberg Politics poll released August 4
- CBS News poll released August 4
- Fox News poll released August 16
- CNN/ORC poll released August 18
- Quinnipiac University poll released August 27
- Monmouth University poll released September 3
- CNN/ORC poll released September 10.

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