Wednesday, September 9, 2015

John McAfee and the Cyber Party

John McAfee, the 69 year old founder of computer antivirus software company McAfee Associates and computer security device firm Future Tense Central, has announced he will seek the Presidency in 2016 as the independent candidate of the Cyber Party.

McAfee said he “decided to run after being encouraged by ‘almost everyone’ he knows and meets.” He said, “I have a huge underground following on the web. I promise you I will win because I have the votes.”

"We created a government of the people, by the people, for the people. I see a government of the powerful, by the powerful, for the powerful," he says. "The only people who seem tom matter are running in the political parties. They are a machine. I am tired and I am mad as hell and I don't understand how the public isn't as angry."

He said privacy will be the centerpiece of his campaign, saying, “We are losing privacy at an alarming rate — we have none left. We’ve given up so much for the illusion of security and our government is simply dysfunctional.” McAfee said the U.S. government “lacks an understanding of the basic technology that runs the world.”

McAfee’s wealth is now estimated at about $4 million.

CLICK HERE to view his website.

In April 2001, Helen Margetts, School of Public Policy, University College, London wrote a paper for a workshop ‘The Causes and Consequences of Organisational Innovation in European Political Parties’, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Grenoble.

CLICK HERE to read her 26 page (PDF) paper called "The Cyber Party".

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