Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Open Our Democracy Act

U.S. Congressman John Delaney (MD-6) recently reintroduced the Open Our Democracy Act, H. R. 2655.

CLICK HERE to read the 13 page (PDF) bill.

If passed, the bill would enact Top Two Nonpartisan Primaries for all Congressional elections in the United States.

The bill would also make Election Day a national holiday and would require the Comptroller General (GAO) to study the feasibility and desirability of enacting national standards and criteria for congressional redistricting.

Closed partisan primaries exclude millions of independent voters and contribute to the toxic partisanship in Washington and every state capital.

The time has come to significantly reform our primary system so that the voters, not the parties, have the power.

The Open Our Democracy Act is an important piece of legislation and deserves your support!

CLICK HERE to send a letter to your Congressional Representative in support of this bill.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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1 comment:

richardwinger said...

This bill would give us general election ballots with just Democrats and Republicans on the ballot. Why does Independent View push this? It should be called the "Keep the Democrats and Republicans in power bill."