Tuesday, July 7, 2015

NY's WEP's Women’s Equality Act

The Women’s Equality Act is designed to end discrimination and inequality based on gender and to restore New York as a leader in women’s rights. If enacted by the Legislature, the Women’s Equality Act will achieve pay equity, stop sexual harassment, prevent pregnancy discrimination in all workplaces, strengthen human trafficking laws and protections for domestic violence victims, end family status discrimination and protect a woman’s freedom of choice.

This Act was the basis for creating the Woman's Equality Party [WEP}.

The Women’s Equality Act will:

1. Achieve Pay Equity
2. Stop Sexual Harassment in All Workplaces
3. Remove Barriers to Remedying Discrimination
4. End Family Status Discrimination
5. Stop Housing Discrimination for Victims of Domestic Violence.
6. Stop Source-of-Income Discrimination
7. Protect Victims of Domestic Violence by Strengthening Order-of-Protection Laws
8. Strengthen Human Trafficking Laws
9. Stop Pregnancy Discrimination Once and For All
10. Protect a Woman’s Freedom of Choice

At the end of the 2015 Legislature session, the parts dealing with abortions were remove, and the rest were passed and is waiting the Governor's signature.

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