Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Citizens United Loses NY Ruling Over Donor Disclosure

U.S. District Judge Sidney Stein (Manhattan), on Monday rejected Citizens United's effort to block New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman from demanding that the conservative nonprofit disclose more information about its major donors.

Judge Stein refused to impose a preliminary injunction that would stop Schneiderman from requiring charities to reveal names, addresses and total contributions of big donors in order to solicit funds in the state.

Citizens United argued that Schneiderman's interpretation of a 2006 state regulation on donor disclosures violated its First Amendment free speech and association rights and invaded the privacy of donors who wished to remain anonymous.

But the judge said Schneiderman's policy was substantially related to the important government interests of enforcing charitable solicitation laws and protecting residents from illegitimate charities.

He also said Citizens United did not make the required "clear showing" that it would ultimately prevail and fell "decidedly short" in attempting to show it would suffer irreparable harm absent an injunction.

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