Wednesday, May 21, 2014

AR Gov. Turned Away from Polls Because of Voter ID Law

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson(R) was turned away from the polls because of Voter ID Law.

Asa Hutchinson was turned away from the polls because he didn’t have proper ID as required under Arkansas’s Voter ID Law.  Given Asa’s support for making it harder for Arkansans to cast a ballot, you’d think he would have been prepared to produce his ID at the polls.

Asa Hutchinson‏ had previously said: "I support the voter id law.  The integrity of the ballot box is essential to democracy."  #AskAsaAR [Twitter, 8/28/2013]

We hope Asa’s experience at the polls yesterday will cause him to reevaluate the unnecessary burden the Voter ID law places on senior citizens, students, and those serving in the military.

Arkansas’s Voter ID law was ruled unconstitutional and is still under review, but the judge allowed it to be used for this primary.

I wonder if he stills supports the law now.

A staffer was able to retrieve Hutchinson's ID and bring it to the poll.

So, to the elderly or infirm voter who had to arrange for transportation to the polls, to the single mom who managed to find a babysitter for an hour, to the minimum wage worker who ran over to vote during lunch, remember, forgetting your Voter I.D. isn't the end of the world, it's only a little bit of an inconvenience, just have your staffer run home and get it.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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