Thursday, March 20, 2014

City&State Faces of Technology in New York Conference

I attended this conference today.  It took place at 7 World Trade Center, New York City.

The Moderator was Nick Powell, City Hall Bureau Chief of City&State who interviewed:

Jonathan Bowles, Center for an Urban Future, who talked about the need for more bandwidth at a lower cost, building up of the outer boroughs buildings so start-ups will stay in the city, and the need to add computer science training in our schools.

Nick then interviewed Reshma Saujani, Founder, Girls Who Code.  She spoke about her efforts to train young girls in computer coding and her Hackathon weekends were groups get together to solve city problems thru technology.  She explained that this venture wil expand to other cities and other topics like Biomed problems.

Nick then moderated a Panel called: Faces of Technology in New York: State of Play in NYC and Open NY expansion for State

The Panelists were:

Hon. Ben Kallos, Chair, Committee on Governmental Relations in the City Council, representing Council District 5

Hon. Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President

Andrew Nicklin, Director of Open NY

Ariel Kennan, Co-Organizer, BetaNYC

Jeff Merritt, Senior Advisor to Mayor Bill de Blasio

Moderator: Nick Powell, City Hall Bureau Chief

Each spoke about their unique problems and how each were using technology to resolve their needs.

Gale spoke about using more technology in our schools, community boards, and the need for more availability for seniors to the internet and training on how it would benefit them.

Ben spoke about using technology to empower citizens in their interface with city government.

Everyone agreed there is a need for cheaper bandwidth, more technology training in the school at all ages, and the necessity to create the environment to keep entrepreneurs from leaving the city and state.

CLICK HERE to listen to part of this panel and the Technology in Education discussion.

I have worked with Gale and Ben before and will try to find ways I can stay involved and help solve these type of problems.

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