Sunday, March 16, 2014

Back from D.C. Trip

My wife owns a historical photo edit and restoration business.  She has trained me and now we are both researchers at the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records.

So we just returned from our 5th visit researching for photos our clients required.

At the Library of Congress most of the photos are digitized into large tiff files.  So Barbara spent a month preparing our pull lists, and we pulled 1,800 images stored on large stick drives in two days.  Only official researches can see these files and only in the presence of the Liberians.

At the National Archives and Records in College Park, MD, there are only the original photos.  So we have to bring our own scanners and software and there are many security stations to pass through.

Here we have to request the right box, wait for them, flip-through them, find the required pictures, and using white gloves scan the pictures into large tiff files and store on our large sticks drives.  In three days we scanned 350 pictures.

So it will take Barbara sometimes a year to restore these images and being an artist, will colorize history by creating color digitized, pastel, and oil paintings of the worlds history from a selection of images.

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