As of today, there are 11 vacant seats in the state Legislature, including two in the Senate and nine in the Assembly. Altogether, those districts are home to about 1.2 million people. But Gov. Andrew Cuomo has yet to call a special election anywhere.
The 11 without a representative for one reason or another, deserve their full share of representation. So what’s the hold up with special elections to fill these seats? Money, says Mr. Cuomo. He also wonders if more seats might yet become vacant.
This, from a state that can’t agree to consolidate the June federal primary and the September state and local primaries into a single date, I prefer all primaries in June.
Is this because lawmakers want as much time as they can get to raise money? Or is it because they don’t want voters picking nominees in the spring, while the Legislature’s job performance is fresh in their minds? Whatever the reason, it will costs taxpayers some $50 million more than a single primary would.
And then add the cost of special elections for the 11 Assembly Districts.
We can’t put a price tag on democracy. But really, Gov. Cuomo, call the elections, the sooner the better.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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