Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Citizens United Round 2: McCutcheon v. FEC

In less than a month, the Supreme Court will take up a case called McCutcheon v. FEC that would strike down some of the last remaining contribution limits and usher in an era of unlimited corruption. It's Citizens United Round 2 and if it stands, you can say goodbye to what's left of our representative government.

We need to work hard to stop this case, and here's why: McCutcheon could strike down aggregate donation limits for political campaigns. How many people do you know who are running up against the “limitation” of donating no more than $117,000 every two years!? That’s why this is so ludicrous, and that’s why you need to add your name right now.

Demand that the Supreme Court, the People’s Court, represent the people. All of us. Not just the wealth. Politicians from both sides of the aisle are on the record in agreement that The Court's Citizens United decision created nothing short of a disaster. This will be worse.

The campaign is more than just a petition, it’s a plan to take America back. The American Anti-Corruption Act will make cases like McCutcheon irrelevant. But right now, we need you to add your name to help win the day.

Then, on October 8th, a team of activists dressed up as giant $100 bills will travel to DC and hand-deliver the petition demands along with your message directly to the Supreme Court.


- The 2010 Citizens United ruling has had disastrous effects on our country.

- We The People demand that you use your power to represent us and preserve the few election-spending laws still in place.

- Rule against McCutcheon and protect free and fair elections in America.

CLICK HERE for more information and to add your name to the petition.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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