Voting is our right as Americans, but the Supreme Court's ruling that effectively struck down the Voting Rights Act jeopardizes that right for millions of us.
In its ruling, the Supreme Court asserted that the Act’s practice of identifying states with a history of voter discrimination has "no logical relationship to the present day,” even after extremist state legislatures spent the last three years trying to mandate state IDs, gerrymander districts and cancel early voting.
We can and must reverse these setbacks by calling on Congress to revise the Voting Rights Act on a bipartisan basis.
The Voting Rights Act has ensured that the rights won by the Civil Rights movement were both protected and allowed to flourish, but this latest court ruling is a giant step backward for our country and for the democratic process.
We need quick, decisive, bipartisan action by Congress to make sure these sacred voting freedoms continue to exist. Wiping out these provisions isn't something that's happening somewhere else, it's in our own communities and affecting our neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers. Let’s ensure that everyone will be able to exercise the right to vote regardless of age, income, race, or status.
Please take a moment to sign your name to this petition. Let's remember again, as we did on the Fourth of July, the beauty of one of our most fundamental and treasured rights.
Revise the Voting Rights Act: Sign the petition.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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