I think I found one of the best guides to New York City's 2013 Elections.
DecideNYC.com is New Yorkers' guide to the 2013 City elections and New York City politics in general. There is a great deal of information available for anyone interested in New York City politics and the upcoming elections, whether you have not been following along at all, you are running for office yourself, or you are somewhere in between.
Visit DecideNYC.com to see who is running for what in 2013, investigate the candidates, races, and issues of this incredibly important election cycle, and prepare to decide who you will choose to represent you in city government for the next four years. There is overviews of all the races, profiles of all the candidates, breakdowns of key issues, lists of endorsements and political clubs, resources for teachers and students, and more.
New York City voters, want and need clear, organized, and accessible information; and that if provide it, you will use it, regularly and wisely, to decide who you trust with your VOTE IN THE 2013 NYC ELECTIONS.
Their mission is to help you engage in the careful consideration of those seeking to represent you in office; to provoke conversation here and elsewhere about races, candidates, and issues; to aid you in making thoughtful decisions on who to elect to represent you and lead this city; and to contribute to a significant increase in voter turnout in both the September primaries and the November general election in New York City, 2013.
It is going to be an intense year in New York City, and one that will drastically transform the makeup of the City government. I am excited about the election cycle upon us and look forward to keeping you informed through this blog.
CLICK HERE to visit DecideNYC.com.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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