FairVote and New York University Dialogues has created a series of forums exploring structural solutions to political gridlock and voting rights challenges, with topics that aim to establish ways to insure fair access to participation, fair elections and fair representation in our Democratic system.
The forums will take place at the Abramson Family Auditorium on NYU-DC Campus, 1307 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005. All forums in the Democracy Series are free of charge and can be watched in person and online.
Beyond Gerrymandering and Polarization June 27, 2013 | 4pm
FairVote and leading democracy experts in person or online via livestreaming explore how to reform congressional elections with reforms like ranked choice voting and cumulative voting.
Beyond Gerrymandering and Polarization Panelists
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)
Krist Novoselic (FairVote Board Chair)
Norman J. Ornstein (Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute)
Marie Wilson (Founder and former President of the White House Project)
Jamie Raskin (Professor, Washington College of Law; State Senator, MD)
John Edward Porter (former Member of Congress, R-IL)
Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)
Is It Time For A Right to Vote in the Constitution? July 9, 2013 | 4pm
The right to vote is the foundation of any democracy. Yet, unlike the citizens of all but 11 nations, Americans do not have an explicit right to vote in their constitution. U.S. House Members Keith Ellison and Mark Pocan have introduced HJ Res. 44 to establish such a right and strengthen the claims of all citizens to exercise their suffrage rights. American cities have begun debating resolutions to support a constitutional right to vote and explore changes to promote, protect and expand voting.
Is It Time For A Right To Vote in the Constitution Panelists
Join John Nichols (Washington Correspondent for The Nation)
Mark Schmitt (Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute
Mollie Hailey (FairVote Legal Fellow)
The question to be answered:
1. What would a right to vote in the Constitution mean for particular voting rights struggles?
2. How would it affect the future of the Voting Rights Act and voting rights for the people of Washington, D.C.?
Takoma Park City Councilor, Tim Male, will outline one strategy launched at a local level that holds promise for a realistic roadmap for reform.
Impact of New Presidential Election Rules in 2016 | July 25, 2013 | 4pm
The rules of the electoral game have a major impact on the way election are conducted. As we look to the 2016 presidential election, what rules are set in stone - and which ones may change:
1. Will current Electoral College rules be changed to the National Popular Vote plan for president?
2. Will Michigan and Pennsylvania change their winner-take-all voting rules to rules dividing electoral votes?
3. How might the major parties change the nomination schedule and rules affecting caucuses, primaries and their conventions?
4. What will be the impact of changes in voting laws in key swing states?
Forum speakers will include leading election analyst, reform proponents, journalists and party leaders.
Forum on the State of Women's Representation Aug 19, 2013 | 4pm
In 1920, American women earned suffrage rights in the Constitution. As this centennial approaches, Representation 2020 is sparking a national conversation about how women can achieve parity with men in elected office. This forum will feature the release of Representation 2020's first annual report on the State of Women's Representation, a 50-state review of women's representation at all levels of government and what progress is being made in activities and rules that may affect women's representation.
Groups and thinkers featured in the report will discuss its findings.
Making American Politics Safe for Third Parties | TBA
CLICK HERE to register and find out more about the forums.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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