This is from Sky News UK today.
The UK Independence Party has made huge electoral gains and declared itself the "official opposition" - largely at the expense of the Tories - as Prime Minister David Cameron vowed to win back Conservative voters who had defected.
With UKIP averaging 26% of the vote in county council polls, leader Nigel Farage said he was "astonished" by the party's breakthrough, and put it down to what he described as the "total disconnect" between the "career politics" of Westminster and ordinary people on the streets.
UKIP became the second largest party in Lincolnshire as the Conservatives lost control of that county council as well as Gloucestershire - and also reduced the Tories' grip on power in Essex and Hampshire.
The new MP, Emma Lewell-Buck said her victory was a verdict on the Government's austerity measures.
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NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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