The New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) includes a division called the Voter Assistance Advisory Committee (VAAC). It is comprised of nine members whose role is to advise the CFB on voter engagement. The membership of VAAC includes:
•two members appointed by the mayor (who cannot be enrolled in the same political party)
•two members appointed by the speaker of the City Council (who cannot be enrolled in the same political party)
•one member appointed by the comptroller
•one member appointed by the borough presidents acting together
•the public advocate
•the executive director of the board of elections (or, in his or her absence, the deputy executive director)
•one member appointed by the mayor in consultation with the speaker to serve as chair.
In making appointments to the committee, the New York City Charter advises that “the mayor, speaker, comptroller and borough presidents shall consider experience with groups or categories of residents that are underrepresented among those who vote or among those who are registered to vote and community, voter registration, civil rights, and disabled groups.”
VAAC holds public hearings to solicit and hear testimony from members of the public, good government groups, and public officials regarding how to improve voter assistance in New York City, and makes recommendations to the CFB to help the agency develop and implement a comprehensive voter engagement plan.
I have been attending these hearings and here are some of the suggestions:
- Pre-register to vote at 16, with automatic move to registered at 18. Would receive school civic credit.
- Allow to be poll worker at 18.
- Automatic registration when getting hunting/fishing license.
- Allow immigrants to vote in municipal elections.
- More languages on ballot.
- No excuse absentee voting.
- 15 days of early voting.
- Register to vote 10 days before election.
- Reduce the percent required for a hand recount This was to redress part of the issue of the upcoming primary/recount problem. The state legislature has voted to increase the time between the primary and the runoff to 3 weeks. They are in two different bills, so we do not know what the final bill will look like.
The VAAC produces a Paper/Digital/Video Voter Guide. The Voter Guide candidate profile is due June 12, 2013 and the Video Voter Guide script is due June 26, 2013. There also is a new app called "NYC Votes". It will include:
- Research candidate information.
- Find your poll location.
- View CFB information about candidates.
- View Social Media about candidates.
- Donate to a candidate with matching funds information.
- Allow candidates to automatically file their CFB data.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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