It’s time to make your voice heard.
This week, Congress is working on the Farm Bill, legislation that includes funding for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps). Half of all SNAP participants are kids, making it our nation’s most powerful and effective anti-hunger program for children. Some members of Congress are looking to slash funding for SNAP, which will have a devastating effect. These cuts will mean more kids will face hunger in America.
SNAP is proven to reduce poverty among kids and has important economic benefits for communities. And SNAP Ed which is also facing cuts helps low-income families use their SNAP dollars more efficiently and make healthy food choices.
Here’s what at stake with the proposed cuts:
-Millions of families could lose access to the program entirely
-Hundreds of thousands of kids to lose access to free school meals
-Programs that help low-income families make healthy food choices would be gutted
We cannot afford the increase in health care costs, declining test scores, and lower graduation rates that come with taking healthy food away from our children.
CLICK HERE to tell your state representatives in Congress to support SNAP.
Thanks in advance for adding your voice to the No Kid Hungry campaign at a time when our children need you more than ever.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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