For me, POVERTY of all kinds, is my most important issue. But there are many ways to help. Here is another way.
The food we eat, because it often lacks the proper nutrients, is killing us. This year alone over 2 million people will die because they are obese, while over 2 million children will die from malnutrition. That’s just insane, and something has to be done.
In just a matter of weeks, world leaders, including the US, are meeting to tackle the issue of food. Let’s make sure they don’t just talk, but they act. It’s time for a global food revolution. It’s time to save millions of lives.
Some facts:
-Every year, poor nutrition claims the lives of more than 3.5 million children. That’s more than one in three of all child deaths.
-44 million people pushed into extreme poverty due to food price increases in 2010-2011.
-165 million children under the age of five were stunted from chronic malnutrition in 2011.
-2.3 million children died in 2011 in part due to malnutrition.
-In 2050, 7 out of 10 people will live in a country that doesn't produce enough food for its population.
-1.3 billion people make less than $1.25 per day, two-thirds of them in rural areas.
CLICK HERE to sign a petition to world leaders, asking them to make measurable commitments to reduce chronic malnutrition for 25 million kids by 2016 so they can reach their full potential.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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